First of all, if you have decided that you want to rent a VPS server, choose a good hosting provider! Good providers are those that are the most responsive when you contact them for support. Ask their sales give you a test IP. Once you have that IP, ping it and see what response you have in your country. If you are happy with the ping reply and the prices, you can buy pretty safely.
Of course, if you want low ECM time, avoid buying cheap USA VPS if you are based in Europe, as your ping will be very high and will indeed impact the quality of viewing you offer to your peers.
Once you are satisfied with your hosting provider, choose a good package. Forget getting a good VPS for just $5, a decent VPS server that will give you a good troublefree experience should have about 2GB RAM and enough CPU power and bandwidth (even better if unlimited!) and is probably going to cost around $15-20/month.
So, you have just received your VPS welcome mail... so, what's next?
1) Install the operating system. My personal recommendation is Ubuntu 12.04. Choose 64bit if your VPS has at least 2GB RAM, 32 bit if less than that.
2) Log in to VPS shell, using the password you have chosen or been given. The first commands you should enter are the following:
3) Install the very handy text editor "nano". It's much simpler to use than "vi" and you install it like this:
6) Now, it's time to test your newly configured new SSH port. To do that, enter this commands, one after the other:
Download the release you wish to install (ie. r77) from this site, and unzip it on your desktop. If you have 64bit, you will need "multics.x64", if you have 32bit "multics.x32". Rename the file you need as "multics" only, with NO extension.
8) Using any FTP client (such as FileZilla) create a connection profile of SFTP type (FTP over SSH), using your host as the server, the SSH port chosen at point 5), root as the user and the root password to connect. Navigate to /usr/local/bin and place your multics binary file in there. Still using FileZilla, give it permission 755.
9) Now, still using the FTP client, move to /var/ and create a new directory in there. Call it "etc" and give it permission 755.
10) Now, upload these files into that directory (you should find them easily here on this site):
CCcam.channelinfo, CCcam.prio, CCcam.providers, baddcw.cfg, ip2country.csv, multics.cfg, multics.css, oscam.srvid, sid.list
give all these files permission 755 too.
11) Now, we need to edit our multics.cfg file that comes included in the r77 release.
In particular, we need to pay attention to these areas:
we add a line to the file to use the file baddcw.cfg that we uploaded earlier, in the "FILES" section:
INCLUDE: "/var/etc/baddcw.cfg"
We also make modifications here:
HTTP PORT: 5500 ## HTTP server listening port, default: 5500.(0=disabled) >>> choose any port number you like and REMEMBER IT!!!
## web user/pass protection
HTTP USER: admin >>> change it to the user name you wish
HTTP PASS: admin >>>> change the password, use a SECURE ONE!!!!
12) Now we are ready to include the profiles we want to share and receive from our peers. So, we need to edit this section here:
[CanalsatHD] # Profile name
CAID: 0100 # Caid
PROVIDERS: 3311,3315,3317 # Providers list
ONID: 31 # Operator Network ID (hex value)
SID LIST: 20D2,20D3,20D4 # Accept ecm requests only for channels from sid list
DENY SIDLIST: YES # Reject request for channels within sidlist (default=NO=accept)
ECM LENGTH: 64 # Accept only request with ecm length = 0x64 (hex)
DCW TIMEOUT : 3500 # delay after that if no cw returned from servers, multics would send decode failed to client
DCW MAXFAILED: 10 # Maximum of successive decode failed returned from a card on a channel to block sending ecm requests to this card
DCW CHECK: 1 # Check and filter wrong dcw for this profile if the client sending request has dcwcheck enabled (default=0)
SERVER MAX: 0 # (dont use) max server to use for decoding one ecm request. (default=0,unlimited)
SERVER FIRST: 2 # the number of servers to send ecm upon receiving request (default=0, one server)
SERVER INTERVAL: 1000 # interval between sending ecm request to servers. first server will be requested at receiving ecm request from client, the second request will be done after "SERVER INTERVAL" has been elapsed and so ...
SERVER TIMEOUT: 2500 # max time for selecting servers to decode one ecm request it must be greater than "SERVER INTERVAL"
SERVER VALIDECMTIME: 2000 # Disable sending ecmrequest to cards with ecmtime greater than 2000ms (default=0,all card are accepted)
RETRY NEWCAMD: 1 # Number of retries for newcamd servers (default=0(no retry);max=3)
RETRY CCCAM: 5 # Number of retries for Cccam servers (default=0;max=10)
DISABLE NEWCAMD: NO # Enable/Disable sending ecm requests to Newcamd servers (default=NO,enabled)
DISABLE CCCAM: NO # Enable/Disable sending ecm requests to CCcam servers (default=NO,enabled)
DISABLE RADEGAST: NO # Enable/Disable sending ecm requests to Radegast servers (default=NO,enabled)
DISABLE CACHE: NO # Enable/Disable receiving dcw from cache (default=NO,enabled)
ENABLE CACHEEX: YES # Enable/Disable receiving dcw from cacheex (default=NO,disabled)
CACHEEX VALIDECMTIME: 1000 # Block sending dcw from local cache to cacheex if they have ecmtime greater than 1000ms
## Newcamd
KEY: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 # newcamd des key (optional, if not set default key is used)
PORT: 5501 # if not set the value of the previous profile's port is taken +1 (default=8000)
# newcamd clients
USER: user1 pass1 # Newcamd client ( nline is like that "N: mydns.dns 5501 user1 pass1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14" )
USER: user2 pass2
On this very same site, you find plenty of good profiles, ready to copy and paste. Select A UNIQUE PORT for each profile, usually a range of consecutive ports, such as: 6000, 6001, 6002, and so on.
Once you have finished, it's time to launch MultiCS!!!
13) From SSH shell, enter the following commands:
Now, access the web interface and continue configuring using your web browser, like this:
Download Files HERE
Multics x64
Multics x32
Multics Config File
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